[efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”How much does it cost to build a house?” text=”We offer a New Home Worksheet in which we can ask you a few questions to determine your preferences and then we send you a completed Worksheet with budgetary estimates. This interview usually only takes 30 minutes and provides you with an accurate idea of a budget that is realistic. People frequently ask, “What’s the going rate for new construction? Is it $120 per sq ft?” Sure I can build you a house for that price but what does that tell you. Are we basing the square feet on heated square footage or raw? Does it include a garage? Does it include a basement? Do you have a house plan in mind or a select number of stock plans? Are allowances included in that number? If so, how much are the allowances? Hopefully this demonstrates the need for completing the New Home Worksheet. The worksheet answers all of these questions and more.”]
[efitems title=”How long does it take to build a house?” text=”Most of our new homes take approximately 8 months from permit to completion. The process of securing permits usually takes 1 month and architectural plans usually require 3+ months for custom plans and 1-2 months for modifying pre-designed plans.”]
[efitems title=”Will you build on a lot I already own?” text=”Yes. We will build on a lot you own or we can help you locate a lot within your desired area.”]
[efitems title=”Do you have references?” text=”Yes. Please contact us and we will send you a list of references.”]
[efitems title=”Can I see one of your finished homes?” text=”Yes. We can setup an appointment and show you several homes that we’ve built. Also, if you would like, you can talk face-to -face with the home owner.”]
[efitems title=”Can you build a “green home” (e.g., EnergySTAR, EarthCraft, LEED certified)?” text=”Yes. We build all of our homes to EnergySTAR criteria. If you’d like your home to go above and beyond this level we will certify your home based on any of the “green” building programs like EarthCraft or LEED. All these programs have different levels of performance and we‘ll work with you to identify costs and ROI on any of the improvements you’d like to include.”]
[efitems title=”How much does it cost to demolish an existing house?” text=”It depends on the size of the home and whether asbestos is present. Demolition usually runs $12,000 to $25,000.”]
[efitems title=”Can I use a plan from the Internet?” text=”Yes. We will build from virtually any set of plans and we’ll provide the engineering, as required, for the plans. The plans do not need to be stamped by a certified architect or engineer.”]
[efitems title=”Can you modify a plan that I’ve found?” text=”Yes. We will work with you and our architect to customize the plans. We will provide you with a quote for these changes once we discuss the scope of the changes. Plans must be purchased from the original architect with modification rights.”]